Output Connector to Salesforce


In this day and age, pulling your data into an analytics repository and generating dashboards is just the beginning of the analytics journey. We want to also take action on the insights and even see them in our operational systems.

Tableau CRM has that covered in so many ways and features already, but we have had significant demand and interest in also being able to write the analysis into Salesforce. So, the connectors team took up the effort to deliver an output node from Tableau CRM Data Prep that will allow a recipe to insert, update and upsert records or column values into the Salesforce Core platform.

Out of the gate we chose to support:

  • Accounts
  • Opportunities, and
  • Custom Objects.

We will be adding more objects like Contacts and a few others in future releases.

The typical use case is that a customer is pulling data from various sources with our input connectors (Salesforce, Marketing Cloud, Snowflake, Redshift, BigQuery, SQL Server…)  and then in Tableau CRM, they have completed their desired analysis, targeting and aggregations. Now they want the KPI or Indicator to be available for the operations teams to make in-the-moment decisions based on these indicators.

To accomplish this, we have provided a multitude of ways in the product:

  • Embed the Tableau CRM dashboard in the Salesforce Objects lightning layout as a component for the “embedded analytics” experience.
  • Dashboard actions to manipulate individual values in a Salesforce Object’s record from the dashboard
  • Dashboard widget to perform mass actions (update up to 100 records) on a Salesforce Object (Spring ’21)
  • And now: Our Spring ’21 Beta feature of a Salesforce Write connector (Beta) capable of updating up to 1 million records in Salesforce via a Data Prep Recipe.

It really comes down to what you are trying to accomplish and where the effort makes sense for your use case, but we have you covered.

Note: In case you prefer a video rather than reading or in conjunction with? Then please check out the  Two Minute Connector Series.

Setting up

The steps are fairly easy (see the documentation for details).

  1. Have your Admin enable the Connector in Analytics Settings
  1. Create a Connection in Data Manager using Connect
  1. Create a Recipe with an Output node that uses the connection you created and then select the object, fields, and operation
  1. Execute the Recipe.
  1. Finally, view the data.

So, that’s how you can leverage this feature to write your analysis back to Salesforce.

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1 thought on “Output Connector to Salesforce”

  1. Hi,

    I am getting below error while connecting the connection with output node of the recipe.

    Error: [UnexpectedErrorFault [ApiFault exceptionCode=’INVALID_SESSION_ID’ exceptionMessage=’This session is not valid for use with the API’ extendedErrorDetails='{[0]}’ ] ] Error in Job ID connector.4kKRLX5hAhdVIDkCadzYu-:

    What could be the reason for this.

    Hem Raj

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