What happens when you make your Salesforce Reports Intelligent?


Insights, immediate value, and more insights! In Summer ’21 we introduced the all-new reimagined Einstein Discovery for Reports. This product allows you to enhance and augment your experience with Salesforce Reports. With Einstein Discovery for Report [EDR], you can very easily unravel data insights with a couple of clicks within moments. But you might have a list of questions: What is EDR? How does it work? How can I use it to improve my business? Well in this blog I will try to go over and try to answer these questions. If I did miss anything feel free to provide comments and I will answer them!

What is Einstein Discovery?

Einstein Discovery allows Salesforce users to explore patterns, trends, and relevant statistics in business data using clicks not code. Einstein Discovery also allows users to easily integrate an end-to-end AI solution to any business by allowing users to create models and further operationalize them across their organization. If you would like to learn more about Einstein Discovery and how we are changing the business landscape, read it here

What is Einstein Discovery for Reports? 

Einstein Discovery for Reports or EDR is a product on Salesforce Reports that allows users to create a comprehensive regression analysis on report data and unravel hidden insights within moments. EDR brings descriptive analytics capabilities to reports and provides valuable insights with charts and narratives that can drive your business. 

Want to get started already? Check out this blog, or start off with this Trailhead.

What are the permissions/licenses required to get started with Einstein Discovery for Reports? 

Einstein Discovery for Reports is enabled to any organization with Tableau CRM Plus. Further users with “Can Run Einstein Discovery for Reports” user permission can access and run analyses. 

What can Einstein Discovery for Reports do?

Einstein Discovery for Reports will augment your report experience by analyzing and applying statistics across many combinations of your data so you can better answer your most important business questions.

To elaborate this further, I have used “Opportunity Report” as an example. Let’s first take a look at the report; the fields, formulas, report types it is made up of and then I’ll explain what EDR can do for you in a matter of clicks.

Opportunity Report

Report TypeFieldsReport Filters
Opportunity with Accounts
    • Account Name
    • Account Source
    • Type
    • Lead Source
    • Industry
    • Record Type
    • Amount
    • Employees
    • Formula [Days to Close] Opportunity.CloseDate-DATEVALUE(Opportunity.CreatedDate)
    • Closed = true
    • Close Date = This Fiscal Year

Use EDR to analyze the report further

EDR answers three of the typical business questions you may have, questions being:

How can I understand my Report data better?

When you click on the “Analyze” button on a report an Occurrence Analysis is automatically kicked off. An occurrence analysis provides the frequency and relative frequency of a data value across the report. This is a great tool for you to understand the spread of the data. In this case, if I want to understand how the spread of industries my sales team is focused on, I can get that information immediately with my Occurrences Analysis. 

How can I understand my Report Data better?
How are different variables in my Report affecting my Business Goals?

Business Goal Analysis is a Regression analysis that is applied to the Report data. This analysis can be used to understand either a Two-value Binary column [Yes/No, True/False, 1/0, etc.] or a Number Column. In this example, we are looking to understand the Win Rate of my Sales Pipeline. EDR helps me answer the questions that are revolving around my head: What is driving my Sales? and What are the areas where I would like to focus on?. This analysis provides valuable insights, generative automatic narratives, and sorts the insights based on their relevance; augmenting your experience with Salesforce Reports. You could say that our goal is to Minimize the Time to Value with EDR. 

How are different variables in my Report affecting my Business Goals?
How is my data Trending towards my Business Goals?

Taking it a step further, Report Data changes over time and I would like to understand how that affects my Business Goals, well with EDR I can easily get the answers. When your report changes simply refresh the analysis to get how the Outcome has changed and further understand how each variable has changed and is affecting your business KPI. 

How is my data Trending towards my Business Goals?

What are the statistics that are calculated with EDR? 

Now that we know how to analyze reports with EDR, let’s understand the statistics working behind the scenes for you.

  • R-squared:  Coefficient of determination
    • We use this to provide the impact of Report columns on the selected outcome as well as sort the insights
  • T-test for Numeric Outcomes.
    • Used to provide and understand Statistical Significance and generate the chart for Numeric Outcomes
  • Chi-Squared Test for Binary Outcomes.
    • Used to provide and understand Statistical Significance and generate the chart for Binary Outcomes
  • Second-Order Statistical Analysis based on Average of the outcome

If you would like to see how we actually build a chart, see it built in python. And would like to understand more about how ED works, check out this awesome White Paper.

How can I interpret a Chart in EDR?

There are two types of charts

  • Outcome Distribution by Column
    Outcome Distribution by Column provides us information about the Outcome Grouped by a Specific Column. In the above example, we get an Average Win Rate % grouped by Lead Source. In other terms: “Give me the Average Win Rate Grouped by Lead Source.”
  • Outcome Distribution by Interaction
    Outcome Distribution by Interaction is the Second Order Insight that looks into the Win Rate of a Column for an interaction. In the above example, we get an Average Win Rate % grouped by Lead Source for a sub-segment of data of rows that have Amount between 0 – 5,559. In other terms: “Give me the Average Win Rate Grouped by Lead Source when the rows have Amount between 0 – 5,559”. 

And there you have it… You now know what EDR is, and how you can best use it to further analyze your reports in salesforce to answer business questions.

How to Create an Analysis?

Creating an analysis on your own is pretty straightforward as well. An Occurrence Analysis is automatically created when you click on Analyze button on the Salesforce Report. Further, if you want to create a Business Goal analysis, just select the outcome field and whether you would like to Maximize or Minimize the outcome as a Business Goal. Simple, right?

How to Prepare my Report for a better Analysis?

  • Avoid using report columns that contain unique ID columns, data with high cardinality (over 100 unique values), and data with high correlations (greater than 90%) to the selected analytical outcome.
  • Exclude rows that haven’t yet reached an outcome. For example, use closed opportunities or cases only.
  • For more tips, please check out this help and training article

What are some sample use cases for Einstein Discovery for Reports?

We have covered the what, the why, and the how of EDR. Let’s now take a look at some more use cases you can use EDR for :

Use case
Where are the bottlenecks in my Sales Process? (Opportunity Time to Close)
What is driving my deals to win?
How can my company maximise revenue?
How is my pipeline changing over time?
What types of cases occur more or less frequently in my backlog?
What are the bottlenecks in my companies case process?

Got product recommendation?

Love Einstein Discovery for Reports or think that it needs a few changes? Feel free to comment on this blog or if you would like to have a personal conversation please do reach out to me by filling out this form.

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