The Tipping Point to Search First Analytics


We have heard of terms such as mobile-first, and now we are embarking on Search First Analytics. 2022 is here, and business people will be pivoting from reading dashboards to quickly searching for insights. Why? Because dashboards can’t keep up with the explosion of data and the natural language search models (even at the enterprise level) are getting better. It’s only a matter of time until we reach the tipping point with natural language search for analytics. 

Tableau and Tableau CRM’s mission is to help people see and understand data. Tableau has been elevating data literacy, sparking data curiosity, and enabling data-driven decision-making for all. With Ask Data for Salesforce in Tableau CRM Home experience, we empower all Salesforce users to discover and search for insights. Go to Analytics Studio or Lightning Analytics Tab to get suggested content: jump back into your recent and popular items or start discovering new TCRM dashboard recommendations. You can try the augmented search experience by enabling the new Search Insights Beta.

Suggested Content –  Generally Available

Suggested Content For You provides personalized recommendations on TCRM assets. You can explore:

  • Jump Back In – This is a list of “smart recents” based on each user’s activity. We introduced this to improve productivity for all users working in Analytics Studio or Lightning Analytics Tab. 
  • Discover new items – This is a list of TCRM Dashboard recommendations based on users like you. We introduced this to help users discover content they might be interested in but didn’t view yet. 

Note: This feature is generally available for all orgs that have Tableau CRM Growth or Tableau CRM Plus licenses

Search Insights – Beta

With Spring’22 release, Search Insights is in Beta and empowers all users to get faster insights by:

  • Augmented Search – Analytics Home search results are augmented with natural language search insights
  • Actionable Insights – View Tableau CRM dashboards and datasets that relate to natural language search and the recommended next best groupings for the top insight
  • Learnable Feedback – Adjust dataset or field labels to improve natural language interpretation over time

Let’s take an example. As a Service Manager, you may be interested to learn about the total cases closed this month by owner. You can type that into search and immediately get results (shown below). 

Note: Search Insights Beta is currently available only with Tableau CRM Plus license in the Analytics Studio or Analytics Tab Home Page.
Interested customers have to contact Salesforce Support or me directly ( to enable the Beta for them.

We have to understand what the search insights really mean and what actions we can take on them. 

  • Natural language can be ambiguous sometimes, so the data source and interpretation for each search term should be checked and adjusted if needed. The predicted datasets are presented on the right side panel “Data Used For Insights”. If the predicted datasets are incorrect, a dataset hint can be specified. The field or filter value of each search term can be viewed by clicking on the highlighted (blue, green or grey) term. Blue indicates that the term is labeled, green indicates that someone has changed the label and grey indicates there is no label currently. 
  • Suggested search insights can be explored further by adding onto the search using autocomplete, viewing the next best insights (additional or related groupings based on popularity), viewing related dashboards containing the top insight or taking action to Explorer.

With learnable feedback, any user can build a common language across the organization. 

Establishing a common way of talking about data throughout the organization is very important. For example, Analysts collaborating with Service Managers might work on a project to increase CSAT (customer satisfaction), but if the Analysts and Service Managers don’t use the same dataset field to represent this, then they might not end up using the best insights. The Analyst can adjust the field label for CSAT so that all the Service Managers get insights from the right label (see below):

Ask Data for Salesforce is designed to be the launching point for your analytics journey. 

Business users can quickly jump into existing items in Home or search for insights to understand their data better. As a data expert or admin, there are a few ways to help users get more accurate search insights:

  • Prepare popular datasets for insight exploration. Avoid duplicative fields and filter values, and have clear field names so that it’s easier to interpret the natural language search insights 
  • Connect your Analytics studio to more data sources

The role of data professionals and experts is becoming less about developing dashboards and more about creating tools that empower users to answer their own questions. Because data flows at such a quick pace, predetermined views and dashboards are often outdated as soon as they’re created. This year let’s enable frontline employees to be more data-driven in their everyday work with Ask Data for Salesforce. Wish everyone a happy 2022!

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