Tables with action buttons

Users love tables on their dashboards, it’s a great way to see details after you have filtered through your data. What is even better you can make any row actionable pulling up the action menu allowing you to open records or perform Salesforce global actions. In Winter ’21 there is an addition to how actions ...

Revenue Operations Analytics

What happens when you combine the power of the Einstein Analytics platform with the AI/ML capabilities to forecast your sales data? … The result is the brand new Revenue Operations Analytics Template that equips Sales leaders and reps with a fast and easy way to explore data and discover new insights. Organizations that are able ...

Deleting custom maps

Custom maps are great! I love how you can simply visualize your data in any given way – I’ve previously covered maps with some examples – see here. But some times you may want to delete custom maps; some might be too large and you made a more optimized version or your sales regions have ...